Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Aside from the annoying crying episodes, I have to say I am rather smitten by this baby. He is quite cute and he smiles at me. Greta is curious and a little jealous but she is good with him though. I miss being able to go in the room he has now claimed and he has most definitely marked his territory. The entire room smells like him and he has peed on the floor a number of times already. Mom is easier on him too, if I would pee on the floor I would get yelled at and he simply gets a few chuckles out of her. But all and all I would not trade him for anything and I can't wait until he gets older and can play with me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Mommy's New Book

Just wanted to take the time to let you all know about my mom's new book! It's available now online for the Kindle! It is about a family that owns a farm and focuses on the kids, kittens and new puppy! You should all read this awesome children's book! Here's the link:


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The New Floor

I love the new floor. As for Greta, not so much. I like the fact that I can chase her around and watch her slide into walls, she gets so mad at me. It makes me laugh. I know what you're thinking, "Kitty, that is not very nice!" But what can I say, she's my sister, and if she drives mom nuts, why can't I do the same to her? Besides the new floor being like a skating rink, it is also beautiful and makes the condo seem so much bigger. I was feeling so cooped up before, now I am starting to feel like a kitten again. Which is great if I want to keep with the baby who by the looks of what used to be the computer room, will be here soon. Greta said that she can't wait for the baby to come, she wants a little boy to play with and she's going to have him help her drive mom crazy. What a little goof, I think it's time for another game of tag. >: )

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Solitary Confinement...with Greta

The last 2 days were horrible, in preparation for the baby Greta and I were confined to the bedroom while some strange guy we don't know proceeded to chisel the tile in the kitchen. It was so load that our baby sitter who was home with the flu called Mom to beg for them to sease the noise, I tried to do that myself by Grandma would not let me nor Greta have our one phone call. That and I don't know how to use a cell phone. Your lucky I can blog. What is worst of all is that I am so bound up because they actually expected me to do my business in a tupperware bowl because they was not room for my giant litter box in the bed room. And when Grandma let us out we rolled on the new found cement, that was awesome! But then Mom can home and tried to give me a bath! What!? And we had to stay in the bedroom with Mom and Dad because of all the dust that first night. I got no sleep between Greta being nuts, Dad snoring, and my feelings of constipation. We over heard Mom and Dad say what a good job the stranger did with the floors. I hope that this project is done soon and it's nice for the baby. Plus then I can do my best Tom Cruise in Risky Business impression.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Big Giant Litter Box

A strange and wonderful thing happened the other week. Mom and Dad took the litter boxes out to wash them and did not bring them back. They said that they were not good enough for us because we keep peeing on the side of the litter box. Though I was rather embarrassed by this observation, they made me feel better. They got us one giant litter box! We can stretch out and go potty with lots of room now. Apparently this new litter box is actaully something humans use to store things under the bed. Mom and Dad are so smart! :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Greta Lives in a Box

My sister Greta is a funny one. She loves boxes! Everytime mom and dad get anything that comes in a box, Greta claims it for herself. She plays and sleeps and hides in them. When I try to go in the box she kicks me out! It does not matter what size box and her favorite is always the newest box in the house. She just had a fort of boxes in the living room the other day to big ones and a little one. She was laying curled up in that little box. She is so goofy. But I do like to play with her what she is in her box, I like to bat her tail that sticks out. It's really funny to watch her freak out when I do that because she is usually pretty spastic anyway. I also like to chase Greta around the boxes too. I think that her and the new baby will have lots of fun playing with boxes when he gets older. :) I just have fun watching the craziness.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Preparations for the New Floor

Mom and Dad are getting us new hardwood floors, and they are trying to take off the molding. Mom said "just use the pry bar." And Dad was like, "we need something to be behind it so we don't scratch anything." Then Mom was like "just be careful." What do you think is the best way to get off molding? :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mom & Dad went on Vacation

Mom & Dad went on vacation this month and left Greta & I home with the neighbor lady coming in twice a day to spoil us. She is so nice! I hope that Mom & Dad had fun in Ocean City, NJ. Because we had fun at home with watch TV and the nice lady came and play with Greta and watch TV with me! And don't tell my parents but Greta and I might have had the neighbor cats over from a pretty wild party, lets just say Greta went through her catnip stash pretty quickly! Above is a picture from there vacation over look the street they stayed on, I would have posted the beach pictures they showed us or the pictures of Lucy the Giant Elephant they visited in Margate, but Mom lost her camera charger and the camera went dead on me half-way through downloading the pictures. Though we had lots of fun we missed Mom & Dad a lot, I hope they missed us too.Greta & I are so glad to have them home... even though they don't spoil us as much as the neighbor lady. I could just give her a big giant lick on the cheek.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Think Greta Might Be Smoking Catnip!

I think that my little sister Greta might have gotten into the wrong crowd and might be smoking Catnip. She has been acting rather spastic lately and runs around meowing at things that are not there. I think she might be having hallucinations. She also keeps coming up behind me a biting my neck and won't let go until I get away or mom yells at her. She has to he under the influence of something because she should already know I am bigger and can kick her butt. I am rather worried about her... but perhaps she is just a pain in the but spaz.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm gonna have a brother!

Mom sat Greta and I down today and told us that we might have been noticing some changes. She said that she is not getting fat, that there is a little baby boy growing in her tummy. She said that he might cry, but he will grow up fast and will love us very much. She asked Greta and I to be good big sisters and to make sure to be careful around the baby. And that, as the baby gets older he might want to pet us, or pull our hair, or drool on us. I was like....eeewww. She said that he has lots to learn and we can help teach him. That we can help comfort him if he cries by being patient and loving. It looks like we got a lot of work a head of us with our new little human brother. I am excited and a little scared all at the same time! I can wait to see his cute little face! I am just glad that mom is not having as many babies as I did with my litter.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I have not written for months because I have been preoccupied with the fact that something is happening in my household. There is much talk of someone called "baby" I sense there is something wrong with my mom. I notice everyone is treating her different, and for 3 months she was sick and her waistline keeps getting bigger. I love her and I was concerned. So I googled "baby" and I got videos of little humans, laughing, dancing, and crying, and I also got a Justin Bieber video. All this has me concerned because either I am in store for a major life change or Justin Bieber is coming over and I am going to be surrounded by thousands of little screaming girls, no wonder mom is feeling sick.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Litter Box Diva

So my sister Greta is what I like to call, "a Litter Box Diva." She likes to sit there and stare at me until I am done with my business. I am like..."Greta go away, give me some privacy!" And when mom cleans the litter box she sits there just waiting to "go." Half the time she does not even wait for mom to finish. I don't think I have gotten to go potty in a perfect litter box since she got here. She is sure a litter box hog too! God forbid we both take a litter box and go at the same time! She is always scooching towards me when she is in the other one, so much so I accidentally get poop or pee on the side of the box. And of course, she only does this when mom and dad are at work. And I feel so embarrassed when mom sees the aftermath. Greta! What a Litter Box Diva!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cat Fishing

Mom thought of a fun game... CAT FISHING! Greta was in our crinkle tunnel and mom put string in the hole and said that she was ice fishing. Meow hehe Meow! Greta caught the bait and was hooked! As was I. If you were there you woud have seen that I was playing with the string too! Something that you will rarely see me do. Playing like a kitten! I love playing with mommy!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mommy was cleaning today!

Mom was cleaning today. We were following her around the house and now we are pooped! Here we are relaxing after a hard days work....for mom. We also tried escape, but mom caught us. :(

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cat Toothpaste

There is nothing I hate more than getting my teeth brushed. Actually, I will give myself a little more credit, there is nothing I hate more than my mother attempting to brush my teeth. Greta too, we mutually detest cat toothpaste. Now, because my mother has no human children; we have earned a tooth brush spot in the tooth brush holder. Little do they know that Greta and I chew on their tooth brushes when they are at work! However, my dad caught Greta once and then I realized I needed to be more careful. My mom also put our cat toothpaste in the medicine cabinet. The funny thing about this is that my dad once accidentally use our cat toothpaste. And now, my dad too detests cat toothpaste. I think that is why he makes mom brush our teeth.

Go For the Jugular and You Get a Little Sister

In my first few months at my new home, I got a little cranky. Wouldn't you if you had to stay at home alone all day? So one day I got mad and tried to bite my mom's Jugular Vein. Long story short, they decided I needed a little sister to keep me company, or drive me nuts, I am not sure. As much as I love Greta the first few days were rough, until we hit it off. She still bugs me from time to time, but I can see she's growing up, or at least hope so, because even though I love to spend time with her, she really does poop me out.

When I Was Adopted

I have been living with my mom and dad for only about 2 years. When I was adopted I was rather stand-offish and shy. Think it was because I had been living on the street before I was put into the feline foster care system. You see, I am a cat. My name is Kitty, and I am 3 years old. But when your a young cat on the streets you need to grow up fast. There's no time for play. When the authorizes picked me up I was pregnant. Sure my guy, he was a cute, fuzzy & cuddly for sure. They all are, until they find out where all those cuddle dates get them; then they run away faster than a cheetah with his tail on fire. I had to give my babies up, not because I did not want them. Or because I was still a baby myself. Let's just face it, society does not really recognize a cat's parental rights. But I know based on my journey they are in safe and loving homes, and that makes me feel better. And as much as I try my best to maintain my adult cat demeanor, it is great to live with people who let me be a kitten.