Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Solitary Confinement...with Greta

The last 2 days were horrible, in preparation for the baby Greta and I were confined to the bedroom while some strange guy we don't know proceeded to chisel the tile in the kitchen. It was so load that our baby sitter who was home with the flu called Mom to beg for them to sease the noise, I tried to do that myself by Grandma would not let me nor Greta have our one phone call. That and I don't know how to use a cell phone. Your lucky I can blog. What is worst of all is that I am so bound up because they actually expected me to do my business in a tupperware bowl because they was not room for my giant litter box in the bed room. And when Grandma let us out we rolled on the new found cement, that was awesome! But then Mom can home and tried to give me a bath! What!? And we had to stay in the bedroom with Mom and Dad because of all the dust that first night. I got no sleep between Greta being nuts, Dad snoring, and my feelings of constipation. We over heard Mom and Dad say what a good job the stranger did with the floors. I hope that this project is done soon and it's nice for the baby. Plus then I can do my best Tom Cruise in Risky Business impression.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Big Giant Litter Box

A strange and wonderful thing happened the other week. Mom and Dad took the litter boxes out to wash them and did not bring them back. They said that they were not good enough for us because we keep peeing on the side of the litter box. Though I was rather embarrassed by this observation, they made me feel better. They got us one giant litter box! We can stretch out and go potty with lots of room now. Apparently this new litter box is actaully something humans use to store things under the bed. Mom and Dad are so smart! :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Greta Lives in a Box

My sister Greta is a funny one. She loves boxes! Everytime mom and dad get anything that comes in a box, Greta claims it for herself. She plays and sleeps and hides in them. When I try to go in the box she kicks me out! It does not matter what size box and her favorite is always the newest box in the house. She just had a fort of boxes in the living room the other day to big ones and a little one. She was laying curled up in that little box. She is so goofy. But I do like to play with her what she is in her box, I like to bat her tail that sticks out. It's really funny to watch her freak out when I do that because she is usually pretty spastic anyway. I also like to chase Greta around the boxes too. I think that her and the new baby will have lots of fun playing with boxes when he gets older. :) I just have fun watching the craziness.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Preparations for the New Floor

Mom and Dad are getting us new hardwood floors, and they are trying to take off the molding. Mom said "just use the pry bar." And Dad was like, "we need something to be behind it so we don't scratch anything." Then Mom was like "just be careful." What do you think is the best way to get off molding? :)