Friday, July 23, 2010

Mom & Dad went on Vacation

Mom & Dad went on vacation this month and left Greta & I home with the neighbor lady coming in twice a day to spoil us. She is so nice! I hope that Mom & Dad had fun in Ocean City, NJ. Because we had fun at home with watch TV and the nice lady came and play with Greta and watch TV with me! And don't tell my parents but Greta and I might have had the neighbor cats over from a pretty wild party, lets just say Greta went through her catnip stash pretty quickly! Above is a picture from there vacation over look the street they stayed on, I would have posted the beach pictures they showed us or the pictures of Lucy the Giant Elephant they visited in Margate, but Mom lost her camera charger and the camera went dead on me half-way through downloading the pictures. Though we had lots of fun we missed Mom & Dad a lot, I hope they missed us too.Greta & I are so glad to have them home... even though they don't spoil us as much as the neighbor lady. I could just give her a big giant lick on the cheek.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Think Greta Might Be Smoking Catnip!

I think that my little sister Greta might have gotten into the wrong crowd and might be smoking Catnip. She has been acting rather spastic lately and runs around meowing at things that are not there. I think she might be having hallucinations. She also keeps coming up behind me a biting my neck and won't let go until I get away or mom yells at her. She has to he under the influence of something because she should already know I am bigger and can kick her butt. I am rather worried about her... but perhaps she is just a pain in the but spaz.